Latest News - 2nd edition

You may be interested to hear the latest news on the development of our NDP plan

Progress on the evidence papers for the NDP is as follow:-

Housing Needs - we received a first draft of the paper from Aecom a couple of weeks ago and have sent back our comments. Generally it is a useful paper although we didn't fully understand some of their calculations. Hopefully we will receive a second draft shortly.

Natural environment - Giorgio and Claire are updating their draft paper taking account of the comments and ideas suggested by James G (our consultant)

Built environment, design codes and sustainability - Aecom visited Ockley a couple of weeks ago and spent the day looking at the sites in the FMV regulation 19 draft Local Plan and walking around the village. The idea essentially is to examine the characteristics of the parish with the idea of coming up with a set of principles that will inform future development. We anticipate a first draft of their paper shortly.

Transport - Gordon and James are reviewing their draft paper in the light of comments received from James G

Local economy - A survey is being circulated to the business community so that we can formulate the NDP to take account of the requirements of business for the future.